Friday, 26 November 2010

AQT (American Quality TV)
AQT is not considered to be ‘regular TV’ as it breaks traditional rules such as not having a narrative closure even at the end of the series. The series The Wire is considered by many commentators to be one of the finest crime series ever made, even in comparision with the more gangster orientated The Sopranos.

Examples of AQT in the crime drama genre include 24, ER, and CSI, and in other genres Lost, Desperate Housewives and The west Wing. Notable characteristics of this form of quality television programming are that it attracts an upmakrket, well educated, urban audience, and works with an ensemble cast. The programmes focus on a group of characters, rather than one protagonist as British crime drama tends to do.

AQT is postmodern. It is self conscious and can use intertextual references to itself and other TV programmes. AQT has literary pretensions in that the programmes are ‘dialogue heavy’, as they are writer based. Scripts strive to be authentic, relevant to a modern ‘aware’ audience, often referencing political ideas and events. Realism is the dominant characteristic with high production values and often elaborate mise-en-scènes with glossy interiors and emphasis on new technologies. AQT utilises viral publicity generated by websites, blogs, chat rooms and social networking sites.

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